When you have been around auctions as long as Michael Strawser, you learn that if you want to be respected by antique dealers and collectors, you have to earn their respect. You have to do your homework, pay your dues, and know what they know. The Strawser Auction Group has earned the respect of the many dealers and collectors that we have worked with around the world.
With our years of experience we have sold all types of antiques: furniture, glassware, jewelry, pottery, coins, collectibles, primitives, artwork and every category in between. We know how to appraise, catalog, and evaluate authenticity. Most of all, we know how to bring buyers and sellers together marketing through a world database we have established throughout the years.
Families, attorneys, and banks often call upon the Strawser Auction Group to help plan and execute estate liquidations. The reasons are many, but perhaps the biggest reason is our broad knowledge about antiques, art, household items, real estate, collectibles and the many other elements often found within an estate. The fact is, we are keenly aware of the market value and demand for virtually every type of commodity. The result? Thorough, on-target appraisals, expert consultation and the ability to establish a fair and profitable bid structure.
It’s all important to note Strawser’s “Clean Sweep” services go far beyond the auction date. We also coordinate the shipment of heir bequests to desired locations, deliver auction “leftovers” to designated charities, and even dispose of the rubbish from the auction site…leaving it swept clean.

Sold for: $20,900
Real Estate
Few know more about selling real estate by auction than the Strawser Auction Group. This is because we combine the expertise and insight of expert auctioneers and licensed real estate agents all under one roof. This has proven to be a very valuable combination. A combination that works for buyers and sellers. A combination that works for residential, lake property, commercial, and open acreage. And, most importantly, a combination that streamlines the sales process for the many individuals, businesses, banks and developers we work with each year.
Our start-to-finish services range from property appraisal and pre-auction advertising all the way through the final buyer/seller closing procedures. In other words, we can do it all when it comes to selling real estate at auction. And doing it all allows our clients to enjoy all the organizational and financial benefits of working with the Strawser Auction Group.

Sold for: $470,000